

Whether the next movement is initiated by an uplifting Legato or a pushing Techno beat, by a sheltered memory or the widening of breathing ribs: dance originates from the connectedness of the dancer with her impulse and from the congruency of this impulse with what she actually does.

The Feldenkrais experience could lead us back to our beginnings, when movement was still a sensual perception of body and space. By reawakening this organic connection, we discover more and more dancing skills: smoothness and elegance are created through well-adjusted coordination of muscles—between shortness and length, tension and softness—so that they mobilize the skeleton freely and purely into the desired direction. From this inwardly sensed anatomical logic follows precision of technique. The clarity and depth of perception help us to embody stories intuitively. By experiencing oneself and oneself under the impressions from the outside, we develop musicality. The dancer no longer expresses simply what she hears, but also how what she hears makes her feel. In that realm will she ultimately create her individual artistic expression; following, tracing her own with movement and through movement, getting closer to the purpose: to create her own unique expression through changing form and shape of her body.